To all players & coaches

Recruiting in the league is done by each team on its own. There is no league wide organized combine or tryout, no draft or anything like that. Every team is eligible to sign a certain amount of overseas players every year and mostly will do so during the winter. Regular season is played from April to September, Playoffs from Mid September to Mid October (German Bowl). There is a signing deadline on June 30th, once this deadline has passed, recruiting for GFL and GFL2 is done until next winter.

If you don’t know much about the GFL and want to get an impression, check out our Youtube-Channel:

If after that you want to get in touch with teams, you can do so in multiple ways:

  • Clicking on a logo from the list below redirects you to an info page about this team, where you’ll find contact information like webpages or mail addresses.
  • thru portals like They are specialized in overseas recruiting, players can register there with their highlight tapes, teams interested will then get in touch with you. Note that this platform is used by team from all over Europe, so you might also get contacted by teams in Portugal, Serbia, Norway or wherever.

If you have more questions, feel free to ask.

Erima German Football League 2025
Allgäu CometsBerlin RebelsDresden MonarchsDüsseldorf PantherHildesheim InvadersIFM Ravensburg RazorbacksKiel Baltic HurricanesKirchdorf WildcatsMunich CowboysNew Yorker Lions BraunschweigPaderborn DolphinsPforzheim WilddogsPotsdam RoyalsSaarland HurricanesSchwäbisch Hall UnicornsStraubing Spiders

German Football League 2 2025
Albershausen CrusadersBiberach BeaversElmshorn Fighting PiratesFursty RazorbacksGießen Golden DragonsHamburg PioneersKrefeld RavensLangenfeld LonghornsLeipzig LionsLübeck CougarsMontabaur Fighting FarmersNürnberg RamsRegensburg PhoenixRostock GriffinsWiesbaden Phantoms